New 'Gay' Spotify Commercial Divides Opinion On YouTube
Can't Find The Words? When Spotify launched their new commercial in April, which heavily hints at some same-sex e-flirting following an 'incident' at a party, the YouTube comments section (oh how we love it) very quickly turned into a battlefield. The majority of the comments were overwhelmingly positive but there were a few that just go to prove how far society still has to go before gay visibility on television is a non-issue. On the right is the commercial (which incidentally, we think is pretty awesome) followed by some of the YouTube comments posted to date. Some of the comments below are really offensive, but remember, these people were probably in a really grumpy mood because they have no friends. |
The confused and blatantly offensive . . .
The boycotter . . .
The ones we loved . . .
And finally, the Avicii hater . . .
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