Sare | 21 | Stoke on Trent, England | Customer Advisor
Ever since High School I've had thoughts about girls even though I thought I was straight. I would find myself looking at girls around school but I never thought anything of it. I had a few boyfriends in high school and by the age of 14 I had decided that I wanted to spend my life with a man and get married etc but who knows what they want by the age of 14?
By the age of 16 I began to ‘experiment’ with girls but I never thought that I would be gay; I just thought it was normal. ‘Everybody kisses a girl when they're drunk’, is what I thought to myself. At this point I had started to socialise with gay people and go to gay clubs. Although I still had a boyfriend I was still experimenting too. There came a point one night that I felt so strongly about girls that I decided I wanted to change my life and be happy. I realised that I could be whoever I wanted to be. So one week I decided to dress how I thought a typical lesbian dressed; baggy jeans, messy hair and polo tops. I dressed like this whilst going out on the gay scene just so girls would notice that I was gay. Looking back I wished I never had because I was actually a typical girly girl and I shouldn’t have had to change myself. However, I just felt that I would be more accepted in society if I did this. "When I came out to my family they were in denial and my mum and dad persisted in assuming that it was just a phase." |
My mum explained to me that she was upset because I wouldn't be able to get married and have kids. My dad didn't take well to it at all. A few weeks after I came out I met my first and current girlfriend and my dad hated it. A few months later he got used to it and invited her round to my house. It was never a huge problem for me because it didn't take that long for my family to get used to it. Eventually they told me that as long as I was happy they would love me no matter what. My friends were all laid back and happy with my decision. I never got pushed out just because of who I am. I don't regret any decisions I've made in my life because I believe it has made me into the person that I am.
"Just because I'm gay it doesn't mean I'm any different from everybody else.
Everybody has the right to do anything they want and be whoever they want to be. I do still have problems with telling new people in my life that I am gay because some people judge you and that will never change. But luckily I have been accepted by everybody I have met. The best thing I did was to start socialising with gay people and go out on the gay scene because this gave me the confidence to Come Out. However, I understand that others have difficulty with being who they are. We all have the right to love who we want. Everybody has a choice and the only person who should judge you is YOU! |
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