Luke | 26 | Ontario, Canada | Classical Martial Arts Researcher
Like so many boys in this culture, I grew up with many homophobic friends, but this didn't bother me because I was straight. Though I did have those early-life experimental scenarios with a few friends, I was never attached to the practice. As I got older, the groups I hung out with changed (simply because I moved around Ontario quite a bit), and I made more and more friends that though they were straight, and fairly homophobic. They were comfortable with joking about being gay (in reference to themselves and each other). To this day, none of them are out, but I'm pretty sure they aren't hiding any of that stuff either.
"So that's how I originally became comfortable around LGBT individuals. I was straight, but comfortable about others choices, and it didn't make any sense to hate or judge others over this." Now, in the summer of 2010, I went through quite the break-down. I lost my job, hated my life, no longer loved my wife, struggled to be a good father, went to live on the streets of Toronto, and over all had a marry ol' time. It was around this time that I spent a lot of time evaluating myself, what I wanted in life, and what I had to do to get it.
During that time I learned that I have come to be fairly indifferent to gender, aaaand may have had a few crushes in that time... lol. Nothing happened (I SWEAR!), as anyone that knows me knows that I get nervous and shy around those I have a thing for. My wife swears that I had gay tendencies all along, but from my perspective it has been a developmental process (like everything in my life) and there's always a sense of progress. Since she's bisexual too, this makes for a fun dynamic (I Love You!!!). |
"So now I'm pretty much out and identify myself as bisexual for ease of conversation."
The only people who I’m not open about this with are my parents and in-laws. Father is homophobic and in-laws are Christian. My mother is the only one I consider telling out of that group because I know she can handle it, though it would take her some time. It's a bucket list item though!!!
So I've had very little trouble with this part of my life (compared to some), as I'm only two years into identifying as a part of the LGBT community, and I generally know what kind of people to not be open with. There have been literally no incidents thus far.
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