Emma | 31 | London, England
I knew I was gay when I was 14. During a game of 'truth or dare' one of my school friends just and asked me. I could feel myself going bright red and then said, "no". I knew I was lying and I think they did too.
But I figured it was a phase and that I would grow out of it. I didn't. A few years later, I watched 'the puppy episode, the coming out episode of Ellen. That was it; I was done pretending, so I Came Out. Everyone surprised me. My parents took time to adjust. I had a real issue with that. I wanted them to be ok with it as soon as I told them. I later realised that it had taken me years to deal with myself. They needed time too. I've had comments and I've had negativity, but not from anyone who matters. 99% of people don't care! I remember telling someone at work and expecting it to spread around like wildfire. Three weeks later I mentioned my girlfriend and people said, "Oh, are you gay?" I told my colleague that I had expected everyone to know by now. Her reply of, "Well, it's not really gossip, is it? It's pretty boring", put me right back in my place! |
My parents said when I came out, that they just wanted me to be happy and have a 'normal' life.
Well, I'm now married (sorry, in a civil partnership) and my lovely wife and I now have our first baby! We both have run of the mill jobs, Sunday roasts, and days out, nights in. I am normal. We are normal. And my parents love their new granddaughter! |
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