February 2013
An Abominable Crime | A Documentary by Micah Fink
Mikah Fink is a documentary film maker who has worked for PBS, Nat Geo, CNN, and HBO. 'An Abominable Crime' is Micah's latest project which he has been working on for four years. It follows the stories of Simone Edwards and Maurice Tomlinson, gay Jamaicans who decide to fight to confront the homophobia that is ingrained in their country's culture.
Micah began filming after meeting Simone and hearing her story. He didn't know where the story would lead or how it would be funded but he felt that her story was one that needed sharing. Simone is forced to seek asylum from death threats and actual attempts on her life, leaving behind her daughter in the process. < Left < Simone and her daughter Khayla |
Along the way Micah met Maurice and the story took on a life of its own. Maurice is Jamaica's leading gay activist who, shortly after filing a legal case in an attempt to repeal Jamaica's sodomy law and subsequently being outed by a local newspaper, is also forced to flee. He, unlike Simone, decides to return to Jamaica to continue his legal battle. Maurice demonstrating for Human Rights For All > Right >
Watch a 3 minute trailer of the film . . .
This amazing film with a hugely important message is almost complete. However, without a final injection of funds (to cover editing, music licensing and other costs) the film may never be released. Micah launched a fund raising campaign to ensure that An Abominable Crime (named after the way Jamaica’s penal code defines homosexuality) can be finished to the standard it deserves to be and it is well on its way to reaching its target.
Last week the fund raised nearly $6,000 and was also set a challenge by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. The Pulitzer Center has generously offered to match, dollar for dollar (and pound for pound!) up to $15,000 on all future Kick Starter contributions to the film. This means that all money donated over the next three weeks will be doubled!
The campaign can be found here > KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN
RUComingOut really believes in Micah's film and hopes that you do to. If you can't donate any money right now please share this page with friends and family on social media so that we can help spread the word and get this story of hope, hatred and homophobia out into the world.
UPDATE 04/03/2013 . . .
Dear friends,
A quick note to let you know that we reached out Kickstarter fund-raising goal for An Abominable Crime, my new film about anti-gay violence in Jamaica.
I wanted to take a moment and celebrate this achievement and thank everyone who helped in spreading the word!
Please keep in mind that our campaign continues for another two days and any additional funds we raise will go into making the film even better!
Feature by Wayne Dhesi
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